AbMat - Barbells for Bullies

Combining two passions shared by the creators at AbMat—dogs and fitness—Barbells For Bullies is a 501(c)3 non-profit that hosts fundraising fitness competitions to raise both money and awareness for animal rescues all over the country, with a specific emphasis on bully breeds.

Barbells For Bullies is 100% volunteer run and all net proceeds raised at the various CrossFit, weightlifting, strongman, and powerlifting events they host or coordinate go to fund local animal rescues and advocacy groups. Since its inception in 2016, Barbells For Bullies has donated over $127,000 to numerous rescues and initiatives, including spay/neutering programs and dog sponsorships.

It is the mission of Barbells For Bullies to help As Many Rescues As Possible (AMRAP), and to reduce the stigmas surrounding bully breeds—which includes over thirty-five different dog breeds—so that dogs will be judged off deeds, not breeds.

Barbells For Bullies and AbMat strive to create a better world, one rescue at a time. Which is why we have teamed up to bring you this Exclusive Barbells For Bullies AbMat where $5 is donated upon each sale to help support dogs in need.

Inventor: Fred Koch

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